Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

Consultation – Waste Management Strategy


Good Afternoon Everyone

Cheshire West and Chester Council is asking residents to give their views on how it manages recycling and waste services in the recently launched Waste Management consultation. I attach a comprehensive document with further information.

The Council plans to produce a new Waste Management Strategy, which will shape how the Council delivers waste services over the next 10 years and covers a range of issues, including:

  1. Household waste and recycling services – comprehensive proposals are being consulted upon, with some radical alternative provision being discussed
  2. The way non-recycled waste is processed
  3. Green waste collection and possible charges to be introduced for this service
  4. Household Waste and Recycling Centre services

The eight-week consultation period started on 21 January 2021 and closes on 18 March 2021.

Residents can give their views by taking part online at: https://participatenow.cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk/waste-strategy-consultation

Residents’ comments can also be sent to the Council by the following methods:

  1. Email: wasteconsultationresidents@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk
  2. Postal address: Waste Strategy Consultation, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AH

The questionnaire is also available in accessible formats (alternative languages, braille) upon request.

Please disseminate this information amongst your networks as it is likely to be of considerable interest to residents

Take Care and Stay Safe.

Many Thanks

Best Wishes


Cllr Razia Daniels

Shadow Cabinet Member for Children and Families

Member of Cheshire Fire Authority

Equality & Diversity Member Champion for Cheshire Fire & Rescue Service



Home –  01244 312392

Mobile –  07481234411


Twitter – @CllrRDaniels

Download (PDF, 877KB)


  1. Hi Razia,

    Services such as waste collection in all its forms is and should be paid for by the rates. I don’t see why the waste collection service offered the moment should be changed in any way, because it works well. I have an extra green bin for which I pay extra. I don’t see any justification for charging hard pressed householders, who always bear the brunt of every increase in council spending, extra for a service that has always been funded by the rates. Does this mean that if the council adopts a charging system for this service we will be given a corresponding reduction in our rates. I very much doubt it! It’s just another ploy to extract more money from us to fund a bloated council that has set the wrong spending priorities e.g. a ‘white elephant’ of a redevelopment of the old bus terminus. I regard this as the thin edge of the wedge. What will we be paying extra for next, the police, mending potholes, what? When householders want anything done by the council they are not interested and we just get fobbed off. I refer to the matter of the cedar tree in my road that is causing an obstruction. The council slapped a preservation order on it and it’s on council owned land, so they should deal with it!

  2. We could live with Option A.
    Option B for us is completely unacceptable. The problem is that household waste is only collected 3 weekly. Assume that this includes Sanitary products such as disposable nappies and other similar products will be stored in a bin for 3 weeks. This would create health problems and unpleasant odours.
    It is not clear how bottles are recycled.

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