Westminster Park Residents Association

Bringing our community alive

Minutes of WPRA Committee dated 30th June 2021



Minutes of Committee meeting held on 30 June 2021 on Zoom


Present: Jennifer Crew, Colin Dollimore, Sue Britton, Penny White, Olwen Bellis, Susan Eva, Richard Short, Sandra Magilton, Annemarie Macfadyen, Pauline Brown, Karen Liddle

Apologies: Dave Craggs, Brian Westcott, Tracey Casey

1. Minutes of last meeting of 14th April 2021 agreed as a true record by those who attended.

2. Treasurer’s Report: A statement had already been circulated to members of the Committee. There are expenses expected for newsletters and planting of planters and they may be more expenses for more Christmas lights etc. We hope to have a ‘switch on’ event on Thursday 2nd December.

3. Membership: currently stands at 454, Colin plans to have a table at the shops on Saturday at the Councillors’ surgery. If anyone wants to set up a SO to repeat the payment, this should happen on 1st of January, amend details on sub form.
Newsletters to Kings Moat still to be delivered.
Distribution at present 1700 – more newsletters are being printed, 1500 are distributed and approx 200 for shops and library for others to pick up.

4. Social and future events: There was some discussion about a summer community event eg picnic or bbq. However with ongoing uncertainties as to whether anything will be able to take place or anyone want to attend it is difficult to plan so we will leave it for now and possibly discuss an event in the autumn.
Mela event – not heard anything.

5. Kings Moat/WRD: Roadworks connected to drainage will take place on Lache Lane leading to a one way system from 8th July – 2nd August (traffic will be allowed to run towards town). It cannot safely be done any other way. Green Lane/Circular Drive etc residents will be badly affected as well as the bus. There continues to be much ongoing discussion about this but H&S issues are driving it.

6. Winkwell Drive: The planning committee will meet to discuss this in August. Revised plans are open for comment to the Council. Jennifer will put together a response from WPRA if people will send their comments to her. There has been a suggestion of a public meeting at the end of July but it was felt that this will achieve little, comments to the Council are more important.

7. CRAG: Pauline had circulated documents related to three matters for discussion: A survey on local policing, escooters and Clockwise. The latter has had a huge impact on businesses in the city. Signage for those coming into the city if very poor or non-existent and the scheme does not flow. Comments to be in by next Monday.

8. Newsletter/media: The June newsletter was not put together particularly well with community items not at the forefront. A comment was made on the frequent free advertising of the Interiors Shop and it was decided to spotlight different local shops/businesses in future issues and make sure people pay for their advertising.
No progress on website, Colin to ask Dave to create a Member’s Zone.
Our Facebook page has huge membership but there has been growing unpleasantness and Admins called in to delete posts on a daily basis. It was decided to close down the current page and start a new one for WPRA members only. This should be discussed with Dave Craggs who was not at the meeting. Colin and Annemarie offered to assist as all members will have to be checked that they are paid up members.

After the meeting, on Friday 2nd July, Penny posted onto the FB page warning of closure at the end of the month to be replaced by a ‘WPRA Members’ FB page open for paid up WPRA members. The idea was that Colin would be able to take new or renewing memberships at the Surgery on the Saturday morning. This produced an outpouring of uninformed and abusive comments, so much so that Penny has now withdrawn as Admin on the FB page, and has removed herself from the page. Colin reported that he had received quite a few subscriptions on the Saturday morning.

A lot of supportive messages were also received and many from users ‘out of area’ explaining how useful they find the site. Consequently it has been decided that we will continue to administer the WPRA page as an open page, but the rules of use will be strengthened and applied rigorously. The content will be monitored and reviewed on a frequent basis. A moderating sub-committee has been established to share the load of administering the page consisting of Jennifer, Dave, Sue B and Annemarie.

9. Evergreen: still suspended. July meeting now cancelled. May start in August.

10. Gardening Club: still no meetings but a garden visit had taken place.

11. AOB: 65 Lache Lane. The occupant has had planning permission refused twice to squeeze another house onto his site. He has now put a mobile home on hardstanding. This is permitted by the council as is occupation during renovation works. If anyone has any comments contact Neil Sullivan who is looking into it.

Conversation about local plan: Redrow has an ‘interest’ in Decoy Farm and it would appear their next development site will be in that area. CWAC has plenty of housing now but nationally more housing is required. We will need another generation of committee/subcommittee members to get involved to stop another huge development. This will be highlighted in the next Newsletter to get people and Councillors involved.

Boundary changes: These are Parliamentary boundary changes that are proposed for Chester, to divide the city into two with the River Dee as the dividing line; we would be ‘South Cheshire’, a rural constituency. CWAC would remain covering the whole city…. Breaking up the city cannot be seen as a good move. Any comments need to be received by 2nd August. Pauline will circulate an item about it.

Tracey Casey had asked for us to discuss fundraising for a defibrillator at the Park for football etc groups using it. It was pointed out that there was one at the Tennis Club which was part funded by the Councillors for all park users in an emergency. One should be sufficient. Better signage would be put up. Sue said that the coaches of the Football Club and other sports clubs already have information on it and how to access the defibrillator. Sue will put up posters and talk to Nick Stark. The park is actually not in our remit.

Penny has offered to chase up removal of the red pick-up truck that has been parked at the shops for over a month now. Sue will forward the email conversation she has had with Neil Sullivan already, Jennifer will forward landlord contact.

12. Next meeting: Wednesday 4th August at 8pm, probably on Zoom?

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